
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The other side of the coin called MOTIVATION

Motivation and edification are two of the most important aspects of network marketing. I’ll talk about edification in some other post. The word motivation brings into picture two kinds of motivation:

1. Knowing how to keep yourselves highly motivated

2. Knowing what motivates your downlines and prospects.

I’ve already discussed about the first topic above in the post “being eternally motivated”. I’d recommend you to go through that article as well to understand this topic completely.

Knowing what motivates your downlines and prospects:

This is something which many of us miss out on even after knowing it or don’t know it at all. If somebody is a part of network marketing industry, there must have been something which motivated them to join in. This motivation varies among different categories of consumer groups. What I mean to say is that something which motivates a grown person may not be as motivating for a student and vice versa. Thus we should know the difference while discussing our business plan or anything related to your business with a prospect. We must find out what that customer needs and we should then be able to meet the requirements as such.

For a student or a young guy the following count for great motivation:

• Having a bike to roam around in college.

• Having enough money to watch movies in multiplexes.

• Having cash to go out with friends to hang out.

• Shopping of things which is considered unnecessary by elders but grabs a lot of eye in college and among friends.

• Some extra pocket money.

• Personality development.

• Exposure to the corporate world.

• Their immensely successful future.

For a grown up person with a family to care of the following are really motivating:

• Having a regular supply of an alternate income.

• Creating alternate source of income.

• Covering the extra expense of the education of their kids.

• Safe and secure future of kids.

• Travelling and Holidays at nice destinations.

• Extra time for the family and friends.

• Financial freedom.

• Early retirement.

Make sure you show correct things to correct category of prospects. Although I’ll suggest not to ASSUME anything as per categories, but it is better to have some perception about WHAT MOTIVATES PEOPLE.

Continuing with the topic of motivation for others I want to add that although we keep our eyes on motivating and attracting new prospects into our business, we forget about keeping our associates motivated. And folks I want to repeat “OUR JOB IN NETWORK MARKETING IS TO GET OUT OF JOB”. And this will only happen when we keep our associates motivated by our life style and everything else which we do or present in front of them.

I have heard many successful leaders use the line “You are my past and I am your future”. But the real essence lies in living this line and always living this line, so that your downlines can say that “you are their future and they are your past.” What I mean to convey is that one should always have a gap of respect, fortune, size of dreams and way of living which keeps the associates motivated to achieve more while you keep growing further up. Remember when the size of dreams of your downlines will become bigger than your dreams, they will stop getting motivated by you and will fall apart or move away.


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