
Wednesday, 15 February 2012


EDIFY simply means “to build up”, or relate the possible traits and attributes of people. One of the most important lessons to learn is “edification”. You need to edify your uplines, the people in your group, and even cross-lines. But do your homework (soul-searching) on that person first. Edification is the single most powerful part of the support system structure necessary to build network marketing business.

MASSIVELY EDIFY YOUR SPONSORS AND THE PIN RANKS IN YOUR UPLINE. The more you edify your sponsor (and the organization you belong to), the more they can help you.
You cannot edify yourself, and your sponsors cannot edify themselves, but you can edify them which allows them to edify you.

Question- how to edify your sponsor if they are not moving up or not earning?

Ans- Simply edify by degrees. Don’t put them down, don’t let their lack of growth determine your lack of growth. Just love your sponsor and allow them to grow. An illustration—“Well, Mr. XYZ have other priorities in their lives right now that doesn’t leave him a lot of time for the business. But I will forever be grateful to them for introducing me to the business. If it were not for them, probably neither you nor I would have been a part of this opportunity.

It is nice to create a sense of identity and pride for your group but this should never be done at the expense of other groups. Celebrate their success as well—Don’t get jealous!!
The end result of edifying all these people is that you are also edifying the system, the company, and even the entire INSUDTRY.
So be generous with your edification.

 I love all the people in my organization but I don’t socialize with all of them. I socialize only with the high level pin ranks.
Your people will be able to edify you better if you maintain the proper posture with your organization. YOU MUST GUARD YOUR DISTRIBUTOR’S TIME PRUDENTLY.

It is in your downline’s best interest if you don’t allow them to get too close to you. Save the socializing until they reach the high level pin ranks where they have the time and money to spare and bear the cost of socializing with you.

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur

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