
Wednesday, 15 February 2012


EDIFY simply means “to build up”, or relate the possible traits and attributes of people. One of the most important lessons to learn is “edification”. You need to edify your uplines, the people in your group, and even cross-lines. But do your homework (soul-searching) on that person first. Edification is the single most powerful part of the support system structure necessary to build network marketing business.

MASSIVELY EDIFY YOUR SPONSORS AND THE PIN RANKS IN YOUR UPLINE. The more you edify your sponsor (and the organization you belong to), the more they can help you.
You cannot edify yourself, and your sponsors cannot edify themselves, but you can edify them which allows them to edify you.

Question- how to edify your sponsor if they are not moving up or not earning?

Ans- Simply edify by degrees. Don’t put them down, don’t let their lack of growth determine your lack of growth. Just love your sponsor and allow them to grow. An illustration—“Well, Mr. XYZ have other priorities in their lives right now that doesn’t leave him a lot of time for the business. But I will forever be grateful to them for introducing me to the business. If it were not for them, probably neither you nor I would have been a part of this opportunity.

It is nice to create a sense of identity and pride for your group but this should never be done at the expense of other groups. Celebrate their success as well—Don’t get jealous!!
The end result of edifying all these people is that you are also edifying the system, the company, and even the entire INSUDTRY.
So be generous with your edification.

 I love all the people in my organization but I don’t socialize with all of them. I socialize only with the high level pin ranks.
Your people will be able to edify you better if you maintain the proper posture with your organization. YOU MUST GUARD YOUR DISTRIBUTOR’S TIME PRUDENTLY.

It is in your downline’s best interest if you don’t allow them to get too close to you. Save the socializing until they reach the high level pin ranks where they have the time and money to spare and bear the cost of socializing with you.

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur


What to do when many of associates say that they will work and often come with mind blowing excuses, and each time the new excuse is even better than the last one. Don’t worry, this happens everywhere. Just keep good relation with them and talk about things which they like doing and not about your business and in the meantime concentrate on the people who are newly joined and those who want to work with you and have their reasons for working clearly worked out. By working diligently with these enthusiastic associates and the new ones you can keep your work moving and by keeping in touch with those who aren’t working you always are in the possibility of starting the work with them as well when they get interested.

Now how will those people get interested when they often come with excuses? The answer is the start of the income of the newly joined associates and the increase in income of those who were working consistently with you. When those who aren’t working because of one reason or the other, will see their friends and other associates enjoying the benefits of extra income and building of this business, they will come back themselves and will start working without making excuses.

If you will cut off with the people who stop working they’ll never feel comfortable getting back and thus you’ll always have to keep working with newcomers and this way you’ll never taste the luxury of financial freedom or the time freedom. This is another example which proves that this business can easily be called “RELATIONSHIP MARKETING”.


Tuesday, 7 February 2012


1.       Their philosophy—what do they believe in?? Is it about their reputation, their ego, their way of doing things, their pay cheques or is it about your success. Do they believe in you and do they care for your success? Sometimes when somebody outside your family believes in your success and really wants you to do well, that really feels well and gives a lot of confidence. They really believe in you more than you believe in yourself. Many times this belief which they have works more than their coaching and training, because they saw something in you which you weren’t able to see in yourselves.

2.       Competence -- Knowing what they are doing. That person cannot be your mentor who doesn’t know what you are doing whether they care for you or they love you. Because one who has treaded the path knows how to navigate to your success and thus that develops trust in you. When they do not know what you are doing they can often give you a wrong suggestion which can spoil your efforts. So competence is important for becoming a good mentor.

3.       Image and brand they have- their attitude, their energy. Are they are someone to be emulated? The real mentors held themselves well. If they show up in flip flops and pyjamas in the meetings, they won’t get many followers. They need to know how to carry themselves and make their aura bigger. They need to become a personality people want to emulate.

4.       Vision—painting the picture of your beautiful future with words. Great mentors have the ability to create a vision. These people have the ability of making you see a vision so clearly that you are ready to pay the price of spending your time and money and efforts with them so that the picture they showed you becomes reality. They make you believe in your dreams and they even help you in increasing the size of your dreams and feel comfortable with them being converted into real life targets. They create the trust that they know where they want to take you. The objectives are really clear.

5.       Game plan—to get that vision converted to a reality. Vision is the objective, the place where you want to reach while the game plan is the step by step process of achieving that “vision to reality”, because you have travelled the way and you are on the road ahead you can give them proper directions. So a mentor not only has the capability to show you a dream but he also has the ability to give you a step by step plan to achieve that success as well.

6.       Communication skills—telling stories — to make that vision stronger—let you know that you are better than what you are being today.  “let me tell what I did when this happened to me” ” let me tell you what one person did when he faced similar circumstances. Sometimes they’ll give you a slap with a story and get you on the correct path.

7.       Providing what people need and not just what they want. The mentor should not just do the things which their followers want but they should be able to give them what they need. Rather than always motivating and pampering , a mentor should be able to educate you and get you back on track.

Don’t put a lot of pressure on one mentor, he can have things which are not good for you. So let it be like that. Respect him for what he has told you correctly and find other people to learn those things which you cannot learn from him. One should always know what advice to take from what person.

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur


There is power and magic in mentoring. People pay huge amount of money to get personally coached very successful people. Mentoring can also be called DUPLICATION in a sense.

 Important steps involved in METORING:

Finding a mentor is something you need to focus on, you need to pay attention to, you need not just wait for the mentor to show up, you need to seek the mentor that can help where you want to go in your business. A mentor that can show you how to sell, how to recruit, how to organize events, how to work on your brand or your image inside the network marketing profession, how to build a culture that is unstoppable, a mentor who can keep your attitude right, can keep you consistent. Those can be many different mentors – different people from whom you seek out different virtues of being mentored. Those MENTORS who can get you results and have the skills that you want to or have to learn to build the network marketing business.

You have to earn the respect of an upline or a person whom you want to be your mentor. You cannot just show up and tell “MENTOR ME”. When I found out that someone had the skills which I wanted to learn or I was lacking, I worked to earn their attention, to earn their time, to earn their wisdom. There are many ways of earning that respect. You got to serve. If they are doing some meeting, I would show up early, will help in setting up that meeting and help them in any way so that I can get 5 min of time with them to ask them some questions which I wanted to ask. You got to earn the right to buy them breakfast and to be able to pick their brains on how they learned what they learned. You don’t have the right of being mentored in network marketing, you got to earn it. That person can be any way in your upline or anywhere. Personal development always helps in seeking the attention of successful people. Most successful people in MLM are looking for someone to share the wisdom they have, you got seek their attention by putting in the effort.

This is the time when you start passing on the wisdom to new exciting people who want to learn and get ahead in this business. These people might not be in your business. You just reach out and mentor because you care. But if we talk about mentorship in network marketing, it’s just not about being a leader, being an upline. You should be able to give people what they need and not necessarily what they want. You shuld also make sure that you aren’t giving free advices to everyone around you. You got to select people and make them work hard enough to earn your mentorship.

You just cannot reach to millions of people in your organization by just being mentored and by mentoring people. You’ll have to teach people how to mentor others. And when you teach others, you have legacy and your influence has legs now. It reaches places where you need not travel to, it can travel with or without you. Your significance on this planet increases everyday because you taught someone else.

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur


Whenever we are on the crossroads where we find too many options to choose from, we should always think like a big business men viz. BILL GATES, HENRY FORD, STEVE JOBS and ask ourselves what would have they done if given the same circumstances. 

We should always consider our network marketing business to be as big as any other business and should take same care as we would in any other business which has been started by putting together crores of rupees. There is no doubt what so ever that network marketing business has the potential to deliver same kind of returns which a multi-crore business would fetch, given we do it with the same respect and dedication as we would have done the big investment business.



Network marketing is usually done with a set of soft skills which we also call "people skills". These can only be learned by observation, which most of us think that we know but in reality we don't know. A few of those are listed below:

  • How to never run out of people to talk to ?
  • How to approach them effectively?
  • How to present to them effectively?
  • How to involve them in this profession effectively?
  • How to get them started properly?
  • How to get the communication going in your organization?

If you don't take the time to build the skills listed above, you are going to be very frustrated for the amount of effort you have to put in to get the kind of result you want to have!!

Knowing the fact that above listed simple but essential skills have to be learned and taught to people, we must take care of the training to be done accordingly to cover as many skills as possible and we should proper care of that too.



The reason I'm saying that MLM is one of the most emotional or rather the most emotional business on earth is because people who start pursuing it, they will start facing rejection and in the start they will have to handle some temporary loss of social esteem, which ain't easy to handle for most of us.

You're gonna invite people to meetings and they are not gonna turn up, you will have people join your business and they will not stay the course, you will call people and they won't pick up and not even call you back.... That all is going to happen and you might pretend that that's not hard but it is HARD. It's hard to deal with the fact that you are going to lose some social esteem, and that people don't get it and rather than telling you about what they are thinking they'll scatter and run away. But if you learn to do this business properly that's way less emotional, but most people don't usually take the time to learn the skills required to do this business properly.

Thus network marketing is very emotional because of the ups and downs and twists and turns required to be handled emotionally. It'll find your real capacity and reveal simple things most of us are afraid of facing. 

For winning over this emotional problem , we need to dream big and have very high self respect and self esteem and we must also trust and back our decision of building big business with the network marketing model. Remember, if the size of your dreams and ambitions will be bigger than your fears, you'll always come out victorious... 



I would seek organizations that:
        I.            Are proven organizations that have successful track records and a distribution system and a compensation plan that has been successful for years,

      II.            Have a business opportunity you can succeed with, believe in and share confidently with others,

    III.            Have ongoing, long term educational programs to develop you as a human being. Self confidence is vital  for being successful in a big business,

    IV.            Have a strong mentor program. You want to learn from leaders, not advisers. People who are already leaders, not advisers. People who are already leaders in the network marketing industry and have achieved little success and want you to succeed,

      V.            Have people you respect and enjoy being with.

If the organization meets these five criteria, then and only then look at the product. Too many people look at the product and not the business system and organization behind the product. In some of the organizations I have looked into, one of their pitches was, “The product sells itself. It’s easy.” If you’re looking to be a salesperson, a small scale businessman, a self-employed person, then the product is the most important thing. But if you’re developing into a long term big businessman, then the system, lifelong education, and the people are more important.