
Monday, 18 June 2012


It takes two very important things to turn a group of people into an organization with a working culture to cherish :

·         A shared vision/interest
·         A way to communicate

By shared vision I mean to say that every single person should be emotionally connected to the dream/goal taken and that vision of what will happen once the goal is achieved must be clear to all the participants. The leader leading that organization must have the ability to paint his vision as clear as a painting in the minds of all the associates.

There are many ways to take this common vision. Most of the times the shared vision is an event like a parade, a party, an excursion, a convention, a prize ceremony, anything which includes everybody who are a part of this shared vision. The date and time of this event must be announced at every possible meeting/ get-together and thus is highlighted and a lot of hype is created around it.

This hype can only be created if there is a proper communication happening in all the four kinds :
·         Leader to the organization
·         Organization to the leader
·         Organization member to organization member
·         Organization member to outsider
When this kind of communication exists in an organization everyone- not just the boss- is expected to lead and thus every single entity plays eminent role.

Thus, a leader can help increase the effectiveness of the organization and its members by
·         Transforming the shared interest into a passionate goal and desire for change à MOTIVATE
·         Providing tools to allow members to tighten their communications àCONNECT
·         Leveraging the organization to allow it to grow and gain new members à LEVERAGE

Most leaders focus only on the third tactic i.e. leverage. A bigger organization somehow equals a better organization. In fact, the first two tactics(motivate and connect)  almost always led to more impact. Every action you take as a leader can affect these three elements, and the challenge is to figure out which one to maximize and when to press the button as well.

Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur

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