We come across this term called SELF REALIZATION quite many
times while being involved in network marketing. Every now and then some leader
tells this story that how he realized his potential on his own and that moment
of self realization led to many achievements one after another.

But what I’ve realized seeing my journey backwards that
there are many different important events which made me realize so many
different things, all of which made substantial contribution to my development.
Thus I believe that there are various levels of self realization which one has
to undergo to get ahead in network marketing.
- All those who become a part of the network marketing industry, most of the times they join just to check out if this stuff will work for them or not. And the first realization comes when the income starts kicking in. They start to accept this fact that this is a certain way of earning money for them as well.
- Another stage of self realization according to me comes when people associated with network marketing start accepting it as a real business and thus start giving it similar respect as they’d have given a business where their lifetime’s savings would have been invested.
- The next stage comes when the person associated with this business starts becoming accountable for what is going on in his group and starts taking complete responsibility of his business. Many people even after realizing the fact that network marketing is another business of extreme potential, still treat it as their upline’s business.
- Another important fact to understand is that like any other system of business network marketing also runs on a system and that system revolves around simplicity and duplication and thus developing such a system is the most important corner-stone.
The final and the most important thing to
realize is that the time to earn the ultimate income and becoming one of the
top earners in the company is right now and the required actions should be
taken right now. Waiting for a sponsor to come and help you or life your income
up is the utmost act of stupidity which one can commit. Hope is a good thing
but only hoping that something will happen or somebody else is gonna come and
help is no good at all.
It is not essential that these all things get realized one
by one neither a time buffer is necessary before you realize these things. It can
all can happen at once if you keep an open mind .
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Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur
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