We all have various types of goals in network marketing. We have
5yr goals, 1 yr goals, 1 month goals, weekly goals and so many other types of
goals. But one of the most exciting things which network marketing provides is
the various RANKS. And you don’t
have to be dependent on any senior or the company to get ahead and achieve the
next PIN RANK as you always know how many sales are required and there is no
partiality. And I find that the people who are sharp and smart and who have got
things going and have got the momentum, they are very focused on the next rank.
They are always calculating the various ways of achieving the next rank – how many
people they need to help to get to the next rank, how many various options they
have, what do they need to do to get it done, etc.
So, here is what I want you all to do. I want you to create
a business plan around your next Rank Advancement using the following three
simple steps:
Know what’s
required for you to get to the next rank
What is
your game-plan to get it done
is your DEADLINE
required for the RANK ADVANCEMENT
You need to find out how many sales you
require exactly for getting to the next rank. Who are the important people to
work with so that the advancement in their pin rank can help you advance as
well! While you will do this calculation, you’ll find that you have got various
options and thus this gives u a little bit of bargaining power which is also
very important.
What’s your game plan specifically to
achieve the target! This can be by organizing events, by taking care of the
volume, home meetings, getting a large group of people to a big meeting,
helping people way lower down in the genealogy to help in their rank
advancements, etc. HAVE A GAME PLAN.
There is something amazing about a
deadline. There is something great about having to get something done before a
deadline. That is the reason why there are so many rank advancements just
before the company’s convention, because want to have a new rank when they have
a get together. That deadline can be an event organized by you only or anything
which is of importance as it will push you more.
So, all the best for you to get to the next
rank as fast as possible. Keep growing and keep moving ahead.
Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur