
Monday, 3 December 2012


6 Years ago, a major biotech firm conducted six month double-blind study if its sales force. The goal was to determine what behaviours separated the top salespersons from the avg ones. The study revealed something no one expected: The top performers all had a far more pronounced sense of purpose than their more avg counterparts. The salesperson who sold with more noble purpose, who truly wanted to make a difference to changers, consistently outsold the salespersons who focused on sales goals and money.

" Selling with noble purpose" turns out to be not only more successful but it is hugely profitable too. It creates deepwork satisfaction as well. And it adds value to the lives of customers.

We know that the overall level of an organization, firms that engage in customer capitalism and focus on adding value to customers have better results than firms that aim to make money. This is also true for the most money-based, commission-driven, quota-obsessed, target-centred part of any corporation/organization: the sales force and this is an integral party of network marketing as well because ours is also commission based income.

When an organization sees its sole purpose as making profit, it tends of view the customers as objects. "Costumers are no more human beings, they are anonymous targets and prospects whose sole purpose is to help the organization make money. That kind of language creates a culture that says, we don't exist to do something, customers exist to do something for us. People no longer care about helping customers; they just want to make money of them. When the customers becomes nothing more than a number, you become nothing more than a number to the costumer - the entire organization suffers.

We also need to understand that in network marketing the costumer becomes your distributor and eventually an integral part of your organization and thus the way he was treated before getting along with you, makes his attitude towards you and more towards the people win he is going to approach. Thus, we need to be people-driven and we need to understand the costumers' environments and goals. This will make us more assertive about closing the deals, because we truly believe that our products and services will help the costumers.


Selling with noble purpose is not about ignoring profits. Profits are the result, not the goal. Overemphasizing profit puts people, products, promotion and process goal at risk. Having normal sales purpose at the centre prevents the firm from focusing too heavily on one area at the expense of the others. Instead of each area standing alone, they all support the noble sales purpose.

Following questions, if asked to yourself, will help you make your work people oriented and just not profit oriented:

° how do our processes affects our customers? how might we improve our processes to benefit the customer?

° how can we be more effective to better our help our customers succeed?

° what are the customers' goals? What qualities or benefits of our product/services/program will help them achieve those goals?

° what are the problems our customers encounter? how can we help them solve these?

° how can our promotions reach more customers?

° how can we tailor our promotions to better serve our customers?

° how is our sales teamhelping our customers be more successful?  how can they get better at that? what skills do our people need to make our customers more successful? what ideas our team has for our customers? are some customers more profitable than others?

And the most important questions of all- how customers life will be different as a result of doing business with us?

I hope this post helps to you better the culture and environment of your organization and makes your business more profitable.


Sunday, 28 October 2012


Managing  a team requires a lot of qualities and the art of delegation probably is one of the most important ones. If one doesn’t delegate properly, he loses a lot of time and resources ( people). From the experiences I had learning to build a team (committing awful lots of mistakes) I am putting down a few key principles which helped me and which are helping me now also to delegate successfully.

Don’t look for perfection
Your objective is to get the job done, not create a masterpiece. Establish a standard of quality and a fair time frame for reaching it. Once you establish the expectations, let your team decide how to complete the assignment or to reach the target.

Provide the team with complete details
Make sure that your team has all the information needed to complete the job. Comfirm that they understand the requirements and also accepts the whole concept. The idea is to make the tea believe that it’s their own idea and not something which has been ordered to them. Make them feel proud in completing the task.

Stop believing that you’re the only one who can do the job properly
Just because a leader in your team does things differently doesn’t mean that he or she won’t do the job right or as well. If you establish expectations of the goal and the standards (or ethics) to follow, then methodology shouldn’t be an issue. An important and often overlooked part of the “delegation” is that it helps develop team leaders for advancement and creates a better work environment.

Focus on teaching skills
Delegating doesn’t mean passing off work you don’t enjoy, but letting your team stretch their skills and judgment. As you hand over greater responsibility, it is important to understand that learning new skills includes making mistakes. Don’t act indifferent to people who made a good-faith effort to do things right, even when they could not turn up the way they were supposed to.

Check on progress
Let the team leaders do the work, but check in periodically on progress. Don’t look over a leader’s shoulders or watch their every move. When you outline the expectations in the beginning, make sure you build in checkpoints for follow-up. Learn the art of seeing the whole picture by numbers. Monitoring is an important aspect of delegation and numbers tell every bit of the story.

Say thank you to the people who have accepted the responsibility
 Make sure that your team members know that their efforts are recognized and appreciated. Most of the times, this encouragement is the biggest driving force for them. And make sure that the acknowledgement and appreciation is done publicly which helps build the image of your team members in the team and this motivates others also to come forward.



Thursday, 23 August 2012


When I was a kid, the children in our neighborhood would play in a nearby park every evening. Our undisputed leader was a boy barely a year older than I was, I think. He introduced the new kids to everyone, taught them the rules of games we played, and made sure no one felt left out. We also trusted him blindly because he had our backs whenever we messed up.

None of the leadership lessons that I learnt as a child. Three, in particular, stand out:

1.       Trust: Do your team members trust you? Do they accept that you will, without doubt, stand up for them whatever the situation? Only that kind of trust makes people feel empowered, gives them the courage to innovate, take risks, and to push themselves beyond their comfort zones to find success.

There are four attributes on which your trust quotient is assessed: CREDIBILITY, RELIABILITY, INTIMACY & SELF-ORIENTATION. Take this assessment to evaluate yourself on this parameter.

2.       Empathy: Did you notice the look of anxiety as teammate walked into office this morning? Or did you miss it because you were busy fretting about deadlines and targets? Do you treat your team members as human beings, and not just as workers?

Emotional intelligence is widely recognized as a leadership quality, but being transparent about emotions isn’t. I’m puzzled by the fact that leaders are expected to maintain a stiff upper lip, as the Britons say, at work. Why can’t we rejoice in our successes, or how concern about our setbacks rather than taking them in our stride? Why don’t we laugh and cry with the highs and lows in the lives of our colleagues? We are human beings, and knowing that our leaders care for us is a fundamental human need.

3.       Mentorship: no matter how talented we may be, we crave the guiding hand, the mentor who will teach us the rules of the game. Pat Riley, the widely respected NBA coach, once said that there was no great player who didn’t want to be coached. The same holds true of work. Would you be where you are today if your immediate leader taking care of your work at start hadn’t nudged you in the right direction? When people are perplexed about what the future holds for their organizations and themselves, mentorship is critical.

Little did I know when I was out playing in the shadows of the trees of the park that I was learning some principles that would never go out of fashion. At a time when people everywhere are questioning their leaders’ values, those characteristics seem to resonate even more. 

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Broadening Your Influence

With the help of this blog I just want to tell that it is very important for us as network marketers to have influence on people who are outside our organization as well. And this is important because you want more and more people to come in touch with you so that you can share your knowledge about living life abundantly and improving in all sectors with them. I’m not asking you to reach people just for the sake of business but for the sake of genuine friendship. Because when you get in touch with new people and new groups they observe the qualities you have and get influenced by you and thus they ask you the golden question, “what do you do” ?

One has to do this work of reaching out to new groups of people consciously and it will never work out sitting on a couch using a cell phone or over mail. You have to get out and meet people in person. That is how you’ll develop new relationships and you’ll reach out to more and more people.

So, just keep it in mind. A gentle reminder for improving your life and your business. Increase your perimeter of influence and you’ll be rewarded.

Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Sheep Walking vs MLM

According to me "SHEEP WALKING" is the outcome of hiring people who have been raised to be obedient and giving them brain-dead jobs and enough fear to keep them in line. We all have probably encountered someone who is sheep walking.

A customer service representative who will happily read aloud a company policy six or seven times but never stop to consider what the policy means. A receptionist who does nothing. Just sits at a desk, minding her own business, bored out of skull, acknowledging the fact that front office is very slow and that she just sits there, reading romantic novels and watching people come and go.

It is ironic but not surprising that in our age of increased reliance on new ideas, rapid change, and innovation, sheep walking is actually on the rise. That's because we can no longer rely on machines to do the brain-dead stuff.

We've mechanized what we could mechanise. What's left is to cost-reduce the manual labour that must be done by a human. So we write manuals and race to the bottom in our search for the cheapest possible labour. And it's not surprising that when we go to hire that labour, we search for people who have already been trained to be sheeplike.

Training a student to be a sheep is a lot easier than the alternative. Teaching to the test, ensuring complaint behaviour, and using far as a motivator are the easiest and fastest ways to get a kid through school. And during graduate schools, students fall back on what they've been taught: to be sheep, because the stakes are higher (opportunity, cost, tuition and job market). Well educated sheep, of course, but complaint nonetheless.

This is where the Multi Level Marketing is so different. In MLM we train people to become leaders, to innovate and to take challenges against their greatest fears. The two most important one experiences after getting into Network Marketing :
1) Becoming Fearless,
2) Becoming a Decision Maker
Both these qualities make them break the status quo, break the line in which they were kept for so long, feared by the whip (unemployment, risk, bills to pay, etc etc).

Network Marketing teaches you to become self dependent and a person who could inspire and motivate others. Be a leader, the torch bearer.

I'm not telling that in other industries people with these qualities don't exist. They do exist but the number of such quality people is less and even if they have these qualities they continue Sheep Walking. Those who don't, control these industries.

So if you find yourself our anybody around you sheep walking, the solution is right here- IT'S TIME FOR NETWORK MARKETING..



A few days back I was watching a program on the television where I came across the term LINCHPIN. Linchpin is defined as an event which can lead to a series of events which ultimately results into something really huge and revolutionary.

For example, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria led to the outbreak of the First World War. Similarly, there can be linchpins in our work as well which can be used to trigger bigger events that can ultimately make serious impact in Positive way.

We can observe and find out such linchpins in the various different sections of our business and thus bring about a drastic change. This linchpin can be as simple as appreciating an important member of our organization publicly at a grand event or it can be making a group of people meet somebody who is extremely successful.

Go back and think what made you realise your potential and what generated that self-belief. Generally, we ask have some moments which change the way we look towards ourselves or anything else. How many such moments you have? All these moments were linchpins for you. Similarly, how can you deliberately make the same happen for your associates, decides if you can be a MASTERMIND...


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Thoughts, Beliefs And Habits

Everyday million of thoughts pop up in out minds. There are constructive thoughts; destructive thoughts; meaningful thoughts; meaningless thoughts and so on. And this ability of thinking makes us the HUMANS. While a lot can be written about the thought process and thinking ability of humans, my main motto of writing on this topic was to put light on the way a habit can be developed in an individual.

A thought about a specific things usually generates when e come across something related. Thus is the spark which if given enough attention can bring about a REVOLUTION our if left alone will be just one of those millions that keep popping on our minds. When a thought I'd repeated in our minds million no. of times-either by being told about that repeatedly or by coming across it regularly, it starts developing into a BELIEF. Looking back you'll see that everything which you believe in today was one just a general thought. Let that be going to the church on Sundays our going to mosque for namaz give times a day; it can be even as simple belief as brushing your teeth everyday it wearing clean clothes.

But according to me believing something or someone if still I've big step away from development of that into something really big and eternal. Three next step is that when your belief starts becoming your habits. Many people believe in God and in worshipping but only those gain more faith who visit church, mosque or temple on a regular basis. Many people believe in the govt. but only those have faith who have developed the habit of following the govt. sincerely.

So it is a three step process:

1. Thoughts
2. Beliefs
3. Habits

Now were am I leading you guys with this and how imp is this pierces for our business?

Every organization has a developed culture and that culture has a belief-system which forms the backbone. An individual member of that organization becomes a core member only if he believes in what the organization believes in and ultimately makes the habit of following those core qualities.

This is also a three step learning process for any individual. If you want to teach somebody a new thing- a new idea, you first have to bring that idea into his presence do many times that he first starts believing in it and finally starts believing in it and finally starts including that into his living habits.

There is this saying- " The is a day when you get into network marketing and there is another when network marketing gets into you". Today network marketing has become one of my habits and so of all the successful network marketers of the world. So do the same, network marketing should be developed as a habit as similar to brushing teeth every morning.

Life is meant to be abundant-ROHIT MATHUR.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

10 steps for SUCCESS

How would you like to increase the odds of achieving your goals? Whether you desire to lose weight, create financial independence, build a healthy marriage, or raise responsible children, the formula for achieving any goal is the same.

Here are 10 tips in sequential order that will help you increase the odds of achieving your goals:

1. Identify what’s important to you!

The only goals you will succeed in reaching are those that are truly important to you. If a goal is not meaningful or significant to you, you will quit when faced with obstacles. Take 30 minutes and make a list of the things that are truly essential in your life; those that you highly value. Then highlight the most important points on that list and set your goals.

2. Learn from those who have already achieved “your” goals.

Once you are clear on what you truly want to achieve, your next step is to learn what you need to know. The best source of knowledge will come from those who have already reached goals similar to yours. Identify people you respect and admire, who have achieved the goals you desire, and learn as much as you can from them.

3. Determine the person you need to become. 

Far too often people focus on what they need to do to achieve their goals and fail to consider who they must become. To accomplish something you have never accomplished before, you must be willing to do what you’ve never done before; go where you’ve never been before; become someone you’ve never been before.
As you learn from those who have achieved “your” goals, pay as much attention to their personal attributes and characteristics as you do to what they did to realize their goals.

4. Put together a plan.

After learning from and studying those who have been successful in reaching similar goals, your next step is to put together your plan. You need to clearly outline what you need to do and when, step-by-step, and then reduce those steps into daily activities. Knowing exactly what you need to do every day is critical to achieving any worthwhile goal.

5. Ask, “Am I willing to pay the price required to achieve my goal?

After you complete your plan, be honest with yourself and determine if your goal is important enough to you that you will discipline yourself to do what’s required each day to achieve your goal. One of the biggest reasons people fail to reach their goals is because they are not willing to do what’s required over a sustained period of time. How about you!
6. Allocate the time required.

Your next step is to block out the time necessary each day to work your plan. If you are like most people (and that includes me), you will need to give something up that’s less important so you have the time to achieve what’s more important. Blocking out time each day to work your plan is vital. Success comes from consistent daily action!

7. Get started.

Once you have learned what you need to know, divided your plan into daily activities, and blocked out time each day to do the assigned tasks, it’s time to Work Your Plan. Start tomorrow! When the time you’ve blocked out arrives, push yourself to do what you know you should do without any further delay. It’s time for action. You could continue to study dozens of books, listen to CDs, and interview successful people (all helpful), but the greatest, most practical knowledge comes from implementing what you’ve learned.

8. Make wise decisions.

Your odds of achieving your goals dramatically improve when you follow a logical process of making your decisions, both big and small. With each decision you make, consider all your options; write down the pros and cons of each option. From there, the right decision is usually obvious.

9. Refuse to allow excuses.

The No.1 reason people fail to achieve their goals is because they allow themselves to make excuses for not doing what they know they should do. One of the most crucial keys to success is doing what you know you should do, every day, even when you don’t feel like doing it. This means NEVER allowing yourself to justify not doing what you know you should do. Make a commitment that you will not make excuses under any circumstances!

10. Strive for excellence.

The No.1 key to my success over the years is that I have always strived (and I will always strive) for excellence in whatever I do. I analyze everything I’ve done and consider how I can do it better. As you work your plan each day, evaluate everything you are doing and consider how you can refine what you are doing so that your results improve. The compounding effect of small daily improvements is powerful. The best of the best are those who strive for constant and never-ending improvement.

If you will take the time to study each of the above tips and the corresponding lesson highlighted in many of them, you will significantly increase your odds of achieving your goals. The reason many people fail to achieve their goals is because they are unwilling to do what is necessary over the required period of time. If you’re like most people (and that includes me), you will go through periods of discouragement and disappointment. That’s normal.

Always remember Winners never quit & Quitters never win

Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur  

Monday, 18 June 2012


It takes two very important things to turn a group of people into an organization with a working culture to cherish :

·         A shared vision/interest
·         A way to communicate

By shared vision I mean to say that every single person should be emotionally connected to the dream/goal taken and that vision of what will happen once the goal is achieved must be clear to all the participants. The leader leading that organization must have the ability to paint his vision as clear as a painting in the minds of all the associates.

There are many ways to take this common vision. Most of the times the shared vision is an event like a parade, a party, an excursion, a convention, a prize ceremony, anything which includes everybody who are a part of this shared vision. The date and time of this event must be announced at every possible meeting/ get-together and thus is highlighted and a lot of hype is created around it.

This hype can only be created if there is a proper communication happening in all the four kinds :
·         Leader to the organization
·         Organization to the leader
·         Organization member to organization member
·         Organization member to outsider
When this kind of communication exists in an organization everyone- not just the boss- is expected to lead and thus every single entity plays eminent role.

Thus, a leader can help increase the effectiveness of the organization and its members by
·         Transforming the shared interest into a passionate goal and desire for change à MOTIVATE
·         Providing tools to allow members to tighten their communications àCONNECT
·         Leveraging the organization to allow it to grow and gain new members à LEVERAGE

Most leaders focus only on the third tactic i.e. leverage. A bigger organization somehow equals a better organization. In fact, the first two tactics(motivate and connect)  almost always led to more impact. Every action you take as a leader can affect these three elements, and the challenge is to figure out which one to maximize and when to press the button as well.

Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur


Stability the word often creates a picture in the mind where everything seems to be balanced but on the other hand it also defers “change” which is one of the most important factors responsible for progress. Improvement is also another word for change only. But change brings instability which is not so widely acceptable for people. It’s human nature – we still assume the world is stable, still assume that Google will be number 1 in 5 yrs, that we’ll type on keyboards and fly on airplanes, that China will keep growing and that polar ice cap won’t really be melted in next 6 yrs.

And we are wrong, so wrong!!!

We’re wrong because the dynamics of marketing and storytelling and the incessant drumbeat of advertisement have taught us to be restless in the face of stability.

And the Internet just amplifies this lesson. No one watches a mediocre YouTube video they’ve seen before. No one passes on a boring email. No one insists in a stock that’s boring, with few prospects for big growth. People today don’t even like to keep the same profile picture on their networking site portals.

But where am I leading you by talking about the changes that are happening around us and how are these things related to our business??? The only thing I want to point out is that the nature of the game has changed. It is getting more and more dynamic these days. Technology is getting obsolete in 5-6 months. Marketing methods are changing. Even the conventional designs of wedding invitation cards are changing. SO WHY AREN’T YOU CHANGING? Are you still using the stereotype methods taught to you two years back?? People today love the new and fresh ideas. “Established since 1906” used to be a big thing earlier. Now apparently, it’s a liability. Today the market wants change. The rush from the stability is a huge opportunity for you. So go out and experiment with your new ways of invitations and follow-ups. Make mistakes and learn from them because the new is the unknown and there is no rule book there to make you successful !!!!

Life is meant to be abundant – rohit mathur  

Friday, 15 June 2012


We come across this term called SELF REALIZATION quite many times while being involved in network marketing. Every now and then some leader tells this story that how he realized his potential on his own and that moment of self realization led to many achievements one after another.
Many things can lead to this elusive moment of self realization where one starts putting oneself mentally into a state where one wants to be in future. This can come by watching somebody of the same potential getting successful or getting ahead. It can happen by getting recognized for doing some work or by meeting successful people and by attending seminars and gathering of those leaders who motivate us. Nobody knows what will produce that spark which will lead to complete change of everything.
But what I’ve realized seeing my journey backwards that there are many different important events which made me realize so many different things, all of which made substantial contribution to my development. Thus I believe that there are various levels of self realization which one has to undergo to get ahead in network marketing.

  •   All those who become a part of the network marketing industry, most of the times they join just to check out if this stuff will work for them or not. And the first realization comes when the income starts kicking in. They start to accept this fact that this is a certain way of earning money for them as well.
  •   Another stage of self realization according to me comes when people associated with network marketing start accepting it as a real business and thus start giving it similar respect as they’d have given a business where their lifetime’s savings would have been invested.
  •   The next stage comes when the person associated with this business starts becoming accountable for what is going on in his group and starts taking complete responsibility of his business. Many people even after realizing the fact that network marketing is another business of extreme potential, still treat it as their upline’s business.
  •   Another important fact to understand is that like any other system of business network marketing also runs on a system and that system revolves around simplicity and duplication and thus developing such a system is the most important corner-stone.
  The final and the most important thing to realize is that the time to earn the ultimate income and becoming one of the top earners in the company is right now and the required actions should be taken right now. Waiting for a sponsor to come and help you or life your income up is the utmost act of stupidity which one can commit. Hope is a good thing but only hoping that something will happen or somebody else is gonna come and help is no good at all. 

It is not essential that these all things get realized one by one neither a time buffer is necessary before you realize these things. It can all can happen at once if you keep an open mind .

P.S. – when you finish reading please add your comments and click that “+1” at the end of the blog. That will help me collect some data and help in improving the content of the blog as well. Keep reading.

Life is meant to be abundant—rohit mathur

Thursday, 14 June 2012


I’ve seen it happening many times with me that things are absolutely in control and everything is in place where it should be and the fact this time I’m gonna pull out a spectacular result is cent percent on the scene but it just doesn’t happen. And yes I’m going through one of those phases right now where I had planned a lot of things for the months of June and July which aren’t going the way I wanted them to go and had put in a lot of effort for that. But this is how life is! Sometimes one just has to take a deep breath and start all over again. No need to get heartbroken. Just keep your head high and remember this thing that there are times when things don’t turn out the way you wanted to despite putting every foot in correct place and there are times when you don’t do anything and things start happening out for you. LIFE is a great leveler, so enjoy this moment as well.