
Thursday, 17 January 2013


This is my first post this year and wish all the readers and fellow network marketors a very happy and prosperous new year.I was watching the interview video of a very successful network maketor Mr. Todd Smith on the internet and here is something which I found very interesting and worth sharing with you all. Todd Smith has been a part of the MLM Industry since 22 years now and has made more than 24million $$. He has also authored a book named " LITTLE THINGS MATTER", which I suggest you to go through.
Before Todd had got himself into this wonderful concept of Network Marketing, he was one of the top 5 salesmen in the US making a huge amount of income already. But he was always busy and occupied in the phone calls and business meetings and travelling. One night he got fed up of all the running and although he was extremely successful w.r.t. money he wanted to have a better life where the stress was lesser and where he could give time to family and himself. So he wrote down all the things he wanted from a career and did a research that if there was a way available in the world from where he could get all what he wanted. And he found out that Network Marketing provided what he was searching for. 
Now, here is the important thing I wanted to tell you which he did: He immediately found out about the most successful network marketors of three companies and booked flight tickets the next day to go on and spend a day with them. He told in that interview that since he had no doubt in his mind that MLM was going to provide him what he wanted so why not go and learn from the best in the business and find out that what is the common thing among these extremely successful leaders which was making them so much successful.
And it's a wonderful thing to do. I feel the important lessons one learns in network marketing cannot be taught to anybody. These skills, these qualities have to be observed and learnt yourself by emulating the successful leaders whom you follow and want to be like. 

But the problem which I see with a lot of people involved in MLM is that they give themselves targets to talk to the successful ones and to call them or to get in touch with them which I think is absolutely stupid thing to do. That is not what a smart person does. If somebody knows the way one should just ask him and not go on on his own. That'd be silly. I learnt this lesson very early in my network marketing career when I happen to go and meet a very senior upline of ours who mas making a lot of money and somehow he found me enthusiastic enough to call and meet me alone; And he told me this sentence, "  YOU BE IN REGULAR TOUCH WITH ME TILL YOU BECOME A DIPLOMAT AND NOT AFTER YOU BECOME A DIPLOMAT. " (DIPLOMAT - a fourth level tag or pin rank). I just had a group size of 15 or 20 at that stage. And I made sure that I was in touch with him ever since and I made sure that I was getting in touch with as many successful leaders as possible in all these years and the lessons and skills which I have learnt by observing them work their magic over people is irreplaceable and precious. 

So I would suggest you all to make sure that get in touch with the successful leaders in your company and spend time with them every now and then but not all the time as you need to work as well to reach at the position they are enjoying today.


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