Coming soon.....
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Mishaps of Miscommunication
After an experience of half a decade into the network marketing business, I ve come to realise that the most of the problems which occur in the way of well functioning business is- Wrong Assumption. And the only reason why it happens is because of the Miscommunication between the leaders of the group. Owing to the General behavior of humans we tend to think negatively more than often when things are not going according to the plan and the going gets tough.Effective communication always betters situation while the opposite worsens it like hell.
This also reflects towards the lack of trust among the team members. And trust is the most important aspect of team building. Once you start believing more and more on a team member there is more probability of him delivering the goods more than the bads. And the relationship also becomes better.
So I think the following comprise the most important aspects of a team building as well as effective functioning of the team :
1. Effective comminication
2. Trust of each other's abilities
3. Extremely good relationships
I wish you all could gain on this input and build better teams.
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Wednesday, 6 March 2013
No body started speaking when they became perfect, neither walking nor anything which they know today. In network marketing ,or for that matters, in any work of the world one learns the skills and becomes better by committing mistakes and failing a few number of times. One cannot skip that step as u learn on the go.
There are many examples to see if the big successful people have done what I am trying to tell here. When Windows was launched it was not the most perfect operating system. If that would have been the case there would have not been so many new versions of the same product coming out every now and then.
Same with the smartphones we are seeing today. Every new version is better than the last one. And there are numerous such examples.
All I want to say is donot think that you will start work when you will be the PERFECT one. That is a stage which is never realised as there is always scope for improvement and there is always a person doing the same job better than you. You become successful by doing what you already know and polishing the skills you have by doing it iver and over again; by rectifying the mistakes you commit on the way to become better.
That's all I want to share with this post. May this help many of you start your work immediately without thinking about perfection.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
What follows after taking a vision
Strategy and planning:
The reason behind this failure according to me is the lack of proper planning and strategy making which has to be followed for achieving that vision. That vision had to be sold to the team one is working with. They have to be made to believe in the vision taken as well as the vision taken Myst have a common goal or purpose. Otherwise the rest of the team members will eventually lose interest and thus achieving the goal will become a gruesome task.
The strategy which you make for accomplishment of the goal must be duplicable in two senses:
1. It can be applied at any time given the time limit remains almost same.
2. It can be duplicated at any place with the similar approach and model.
When you do this, the duplicable system created makes it easier to scale up the business and this makes the work easier for the new comers.
Time limit:
The vision taken must have a deadline to care and rush for. And this deadline must be a big event which motivates everybody. It is extremely essential that this event must be the part of the common goal taken. When people don't put a time limit to the target that becomes just a wish and the dream remains a dream forever.
As a leader when you share your vision with your team and make them believe in your plan you take the responsibility of carrying the whole project positively till the deadline doesn't come.
It won't happen that you will take a target and everything will fall into place. There are gonna be times which will be extremely adverse. At those times, you as a leader should be the most positive person throughout the tenure till the dead line. You got to be the source of energy and excitement which energises your team members. People should forget about their problems and sorrows when they chine near you. You should always be able to create a trust that Come What May it's gonna happen.
This is what is the real meaning of taking a vision according to me. I hope that this approach will help you achieve your goals and targets.
Life is meant to be abundant -- Rohit Mathur