
Monday, 3 December 2012


6 Years ago, a major biotech firm conducted six month double-blind study if its sales force. The goal was to determine what behaviours separated the top salespersons from the avg ones. The study revealed something no one expected: The top performers all had a far more pronounced sense of purpose than their more avg counterparts. The salesperson who sold with more noble purpose, who truly wanted to make a difference to changers, consistently outsold the salespersons who focused on sales goals and money.

" Selling with noble purpose" turns out to be not only more successful but it is hugely profitable too. It creates deepwork satisfaction as well. And it adds value to the lives of customers.

We know that the overall level of an organization, firms that engage in customer capitalism and focus on adding value to customers have better results than firms that aim to make money. This is also true for the most money-based, commission-driven, quota-obsessed, target-centred part of any corporation/organization: the sales force and this is an integral party of network marketing as well because ours is also commission based income.

When an organization sees its sole purpose as making profit, it tends of view the customers as objects. "Costumers are no more human beings, they are anonymous targets and prospects whose sole purpose is to help the organization make money. That kind of language creates a culture that says, we don't exist to do something, customers exist to do something for us. People no longer care about helping customers; they just want to make money of them. When the customers becomes nothing more than a number, you become nothing more than a number to the costumer - the entire organization suffers.

We also need to understand that in network marketing the costumer becomes your distributor and eventually an integral part of your organization and thus the way he was treated before getting along with you, makes his attitude towards you and more towards the people win he is going to approach. Thus, we need to be people-driven and we need to understand the costumers' environments and goals. This will make us more assertive about closing the deals, because we truly believe that our products and services will help the costumers.


Selling with noble purpose is not about ignoring profits. Profits are the result, not the goal. Overemphasizing profit puts people, products, promotion and process goal at risk. Having normal sales purpose at the centre prevents the firm from focusing too heavily on one area at the expense of the others. Instead of each area standing alone, they all support the noble sales purpose.

Following questions, if asked to yourself, will help you make your work people oriented and just not profit oriented:

° how do our processes affects our customers? how might we improve our processes to benefit the customer?

° how can we be more effective to better our help our customers succeed?

° what are the customers' goals? What qualities or benefits of our product/services/program will help them achieve those goals?

° what are the problems our customers encounter? how can we help them solve these?

° how can our promotions reach more customers?

° how can we tailor our promotions to better serve our customers?

° how is our sales teamhelping our customers be more successful?  how can they get better at that? what skills do our people need to make our customers more successful? what ideas our team has for our customers? are some customers more profitable than others?

And the most important questions of all- how customers life will be different as a result of doing business with us?

I hope this post helps to you better the culture and environment of your organization and makes your business more profitable.